Wendy, Plot 28
This chutney is delicious at Christmas when it will have had a good time to mature. Perfect with cheese, pork pie and cold cuts.
500grams/1lb onions, red if possible, chopped
50grams/2oz fresh root ginger, grated
300ml/ ½ pint red wine vinegar
500grams/1lb eating apples, peeled and finely chopped
200grams/80z dates, chopped
100grams/4oz raisins or sultanas
1 tablespoon mustard seeds
1 tablespoon curry powder
400grams/14oz light muscovado sugar
700grams/1lb 9oz rhubarb, cut into 2cm chunks
2 pinches of salt
Bring onions, ginger and vinegar in a large pan and simmer for 10 minutes.
Add rest of ingredients except rhubarb and bring back to boil, stirring.
Simmer uncovered for about 10 minutes until apples are tender.
Stir in rhubarb and cook, uncovered, until the chutney is thick and jammy, about 15-20 minutes
Leave the chutney to sit in the pan for about 10-15 minutes before spooning into sterilised jars.
Cover immediately with a waxed disc if possible and seal immediately.